Below is an overview of the different search options available in the Search tab.

Date and Time: Select a preset date period from the Date Period: drop-down menu, or manually select a custom start and end date & time. Search results will be within the date period you set.
Keywords: Returns any email with the keyword(s) entered.
Parties: Enter an email address to return results containing that email address, regardless of whether it is the sender or recipient.
From: Enter a sender email address.
To: Enter a recipient email address.
Attachment Names: Results include emails containing any attachment where the attachment name matches this search term.
Attachment Keywords: Results include emails containing any attachment where the content of the attachment matches this search term.
After performing a search, results are returned in the Results tab:

You can select the check box in the No. column beside an email to perform an action on just that email, or select multiple emails to perform an action on several emails together.
You can also select the check box in the No. column beside multiple emails and click the Show Selected Results
to just view those emails in the Results tab.
The following are some helpful actions that are available when you have selected an email (or emails):
Printing and exporting:
Save to PDF
Export to CSV
Select Save Search with Name
to save and store this search. Saved searches are accessed from Search History > Saved Searches.
Restoring mail:
to restore to your Inbox. This copies the email back to your Inbox if it was deleted.
Select Forward as an Archive
or Forward to Inbox
to email you the email as an attachment.
Select Store to case folder
to add an email to the case folder which can then be accessed from the Case Folders tab and shared with other users.